Home TECHNOLOGY DevOps: Lack Of Communication With The IT Department Increases The Security Risk

DevOps: Lack Of Communication With The IT Department Increases The Security Risk

DevOps is playing an increasingly important role in many companies. At the same time, it shows that communication.

On behalf of Trend Micro, the market research institute Vanson Bourne surveyed a total of 1,310 IT decision-makers from large companies and SMEs worldwide about their opinions on DevOps. The respondents are currently at different points in the implementation process for DevOps in their companies. The implementation aims to integrate teams for application development, IT operations, and security to make software development faster and more secure.

Seventy percent of the respondents in Germany stated that DevOps initiatives had gained importance in the past year. An even higher proportion said that communication within the IT department had to improve: According to 89 percent of the participants, software developers and IT security experts should be in closer contact. Seventy-five percent of those surveyed would also like to involve IT operations more closely. Forty percent of IT decision-makers believe that these silos make it difficult for companies to develop a DevOps culture.

Employees As A Success Factor For DevOps

“The history of software development has shown that the most important changes never happen quickly and smoothly. The reason for this is that the most important success factor is the employees. However, these always bring familiar behavior and cultural peculiarities with them,”. “Companies that set up a DevOps structure are certainly going in the right direction. However, it would be best if you did not neglect security. ”

When asked how they are promoting this cultural change in their company, the respondents named the following measures:

  • Increased integration between different teams (56 percent)
  • Setting common goals (67 percent)
  • Sharing learning experiences across team boundaries (42 percent)

However, 85 percent of the participants also stated that there is still room for improvement in this area.

Developer And IT Department Share Responsibility

Thirty-two percent of those surveyed see DevOps as the joint responsibility of the software development and IT departments. This also indicates a deficit in communication and shows that each department sees the responsibility for leading such projects with itself. DevOps is very popular because 82 percent of the respondents are currently implementing such projects or are working on them.

However, companies still face challenges: Half of them have only partially developed their DevOps strategy. Security also plays a role: for 43 percent of those surveyed, improving the security of their applications is the top priority in their DevOps initiatives and is therefore on par with the cost savings they are hoping for.

“Regardless of how far companies are in the transformation to DevOps, there are suitable tools for them with which security can be integrated into the development process and rolled out quickly and automatically at the same time,”. “So that they can reduce the risk and meet compliance requirements.” More information on solutions for secure DevOps are on the website Micro Trend, available

This also indicates a deficit in communication and shows that each department sees the responsibility for leading such projects with itself. However, these always bring familiar behavior and cultural peculiarities with them,”. “Companies that set up a DevOps structure are certainly going in the right direction. However, it would be best if you did not neglect security. “

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