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Striking The Right Balance Between Educating And Selling Through Emails

Well, let’s be honest, email marketing is tricky. If it was just sending messages to your existing customers and potential customers about your products and services, then anyone would have done it, isn’t it? But it’s definitely more than what meets the eye.

A lot goes into crafting that perfect email marketing campaign and that is one of the reason you need bulk email validation tool. A well-executed email campaign should be the perfect blend of not one or two but many secret potions. However, sales and customer awareness top the chart. If your email is all about boosting sales and getting your recipients to click on that CTA button, then despite initial success, you may run out of luck in the long run.

So, here’s what you need to do: create the perfect cocktail of informational/educational emails and the sales-oriented ones and serve it chilled, right into their inbox. Today, we will have a look at some of the professional email template examples that educate and create customer awareness while also balancing the sales quotient. And, most importantly, what effect does it make on your existing and potential customer base. So, let’s get cracking.

The Proportion

If you are designing a campaign, then around 80% to 90% of your total emails should revolve around helping or rather, educating your subscribers about the industry and your brand’s products or services. It is an effective and efficient way to connect with them and establish a personal relationship which is essential for creating a strong brand value.

However, if a majority of emails in your marketing campaign look like the below-mentioned example, then your strategy needs to get back to the drawing board. Don’t get me wrong; the below email is not wrong. The point I am trying to make is that all the emails you shoot should not carry the same message and theme. This sort of communication practice might give you little initial traction, but in the long run, this sort of campaign would fall flat on its face.

Educating your customers about your industry or community would reap you and your business many benefits which would definitely impact your sales number in the long run. A brand is a lot more than just a sales figure, it’s about value, identity and moreover, appeal. Here are the most prominent advantages of having a balanced email marketing strategy. Have a look:

Gain Customer Trust

It won’t be an understatement that most of the marketing gimmicks just aim at luring more and more prospects for rapid business expansion, which technically is not wrong. However, research says that customers tend to trust a brand more that cares about their knowledge and overall awareness and makes efforts to enhance them.

An aware customer is more likely to make a purchase and more importantly, repeated purchase from a brand if it associates some value to it. And, nothing creates more value than spreading some knowledge.

This is the perfect example of Airbnb passing the essential information on hosting and travel to their customers. It might not be a direct sales email but the brand value it would have instilled in the mind of the recipient is much more crucial than quick, direct sales.

Enhanced Customer Loyalty

It becomes much easier to sell a commodity if you have a direct connection with your target customers. When a prospect knows a product or a service in and out, it establishes realistic expectations which are more likely to be matched. And, when a brand meets the customer expectations, it generates the much-needed brand loyalty, which eventually turns into recurring sales.

The below example email from AWAY is what I am talking about. A clear description of the product in the email suggests that someone actually cared to tell you about its features and operating mechanism so that you could use their product to its full potential. This not only enhances the user experience but also creates a positive sentiment around the brand. All of this eventually leads to higher conversions and sales.

Boosted Customer Engagement

The best way to know your customer and get their feedback or expectations is to interact with them. The best way to do it is customer engagement. Telling them about a new update or a new product feature can introduce them to a whole new perspective of using your product, thereby elevating the overall customer experience. And, a better customer experience directly translates to better customer engagement which has a direct impact on sales.

Here is an interesting example of one such email from Todoist. The updates and newer integrations of the product in the email make a bigger impact than a mere sales email could have done.

Wrapping Up

So, these were some of the best examples of how to create a well-planned email marketing strategy that gets the job done without sounding too greedy or desperate for sales. Remember, it’s all about the right balance of information and your sales pitch. A balanced email marketing strategy is all that you need to take your brand to the next league.

Kevin George
Kevin George is the Head of Marketing at Email Uplers, one of the largest HTML Email Templates production companies that specializes in converting PSD to email templates. He loves gadgets, bikes, jazz, and breathes ‘email marketing’. He is a brand magician who loves to engage and share insights with fellow marketers.

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