Home BUSINESS Trends That Will Set eCommerce In 2020

Trends That Will Set eCommerce In 2020

In just a week we will welcome a new decade. At the end of the year, it is time to look back and take a look at the e-commerce situation what trends are expected for 2020.

Smartphones, Winners Of Online Shopping

The rise of online shopping and the relevance of social networks motivates Spaniards to obtain their products through their mobile phones. According to data from the price comparator, In Europe in which mobile devices have the most weight within e-commerce. Up to 71.2% of queries are made from these devices (tablets and smartphones), while only 28.8% are made from a computer. Italy and the United Kingdom are behind the Span with 62.2% and 56.6% respectively.

Voice Commerce, The Future Of Electronic Commerce

With the birth and rise of smart speakers and voice searches on smartphones, a new window opens for sale in audio format. In fact, according to the idealo.es report based on comScore data, voice searches will represent 50% of the total next year. This new purchase option is a challenge for online stores that will have to adapt so that users find what they are looking for without the need for a screen.

Virtual Reality And Online Stores

It might seem futuristic, but the time is not far off when we can enjoy virtual testers and real shopping experiences in virtual stores, thus closing the gap between traditional commerce and e-commerce. Fundamentally, it is the sectors related to fashion that will begin to use augmented reality to improve the shopping experience of users.

Hi, I’m your ‘ChatBot’!

It is surely not the first time that you interact with these virtual assistants who are increasingly present in navigation. If not, you will most likely meet them soon, since as the price comparator predicts in 2020, the presence of the ‘ChatBot‘ will increase and they will become the main means of communication for e-commerce, relegating to the background to direct communication channels.

Sustainable eCommerce, Environmental Awareness

The reduction of emissions continues to be one of the workhorses of electronic commerce and could not be missing among the forecasts for 2020. In mid-2019 only 4% of the stores analyzed by idealo.es offered the option of obtaining their purchase in sustainable packaging.

Although this number has been increasing, there is still a long way to go. Today, 81.1% think that preserving the environment is a matter of urgency, but 91.5% believe that it is not they who have in your hands to lead this change.

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